Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Another Day of Rain . . .

Okay, I wanted the rain, I like the rain, but does it have to be so wet and cold? Our dog is also posting her personal reflections on this matter, too! The other evening, when I had to wait until midnight to get a head start on enrolling my son for a college class, I let the dog stay in until I was done. She was curled up on her pillow by the backdoor for almost four hours straight. Last night, she was very disappointed to not have a repeat of this event. Don't think we are cruel to Chick. She has a great dog house with plenty of blankets and pillows on the back porch . . . but, she thinks she is a 'people' and is waiting for us to come to this realization, too!

Not sure what my day is going to entail as is depends on my husband's work schedule. He is supposed to attend a meeting tomorrow and bring along snacks for the potluck. Last night, he realized is boss was still on jury duty so, depending on everyone else's schedule, might have to skip the meeting and cover at work. I'm waiting to find out if I'm to bake the cookies and snacks for that today or get the day for making my Christmas candy.

My older daughter returns, diploma in hand, from college tomorrow. She always wants to know who is picking her up from the airport as I seem to always end up parked in the wrong place and we have to walk a distance with her luggage. Bad news for her - I'm the designated one tomorrow!

We have a very efficient and kindly mailman in our neighborhood. He and my daughter have a running joke about all the boxes that get sent home every summer from college. Since she lived in a college apartment, it took twelve boxes to send home her small appliances, books, paint supplies, and clothing. Every summer, we'd hear a bump at the door and find him piling up the boxes he had to deliver. He would look up, as we answered the door and pretend to snarl, "She's home, isn't she?" I gave him the 'good news', last month, that my daughter was graduating from college . . . in December. His smile faded as he realized the boxes would be coming in during the busy Christmas season! Not to worry, I always have a nice Christmas gift for him!

My younger daughter returns for vacation on Saturday. She graduated in September but stayed at her school to take extra classes plus attend the community college across the street from her apartment.

My older son can't afford the airfare home so we have our fourth or fifth Christmas without him. We miss him but what can you do when they grow up and get scholarships overseas?

Quilting? What's that? Yes, it has been a long time but I'm hoping the New Year will give a a little more time to finish some projects. Time just goes by too quickly.

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