Sunday, October 2, 2011

This will definitely change my grocery shopping . . .

If you were told that the food you are eating would involve the use of aborted fetal cells in order to enhance/test the flavor and reduce the sugar and salt, how would you feel? Would you avoid that product/company or just assume that it probably doesn’t include any of the foods you use?

Do you use products from Pepsico, Kraft, or Nestles? Oh, and Cadbury Chocolate is a subsidiary that also uses this procedure to provide all that delightful Easter candy you give your children. These companies partner with the Semonyx who provide this service. As time goes on, who knows what other major companies will literally sell their souls to make a dollar.

As the article I read stated, it might be our clue to start feeding our families with food we know are free of this processed horror. It is time to get back to basics and bake and cook with products that avoid the factory cannibalism used by Pepsico, Kraft, Nestles, and Cadbury ‘to make their products better’. We already know in our heart of hearts that processed food isn’t good for us. Now we know that it isn’t good for us spiritually if we believe in the sanctity of life. Sure, as the article says, it only uses fetal cells from elective abortions to test the food flavors, etc., like that makes a difference. A murdered baby is still a dead baby.

Although cooking from ‘scratch’ seems difficult, first steps lead to advanced steps and knowledge around the kitchen. The first time you put a loaf of bread you made yourself down on the dinner table and see your family’s eyes light up, you realize that you don’t need soulless companies to dictate what you feed your family.

Years ago, I read that some cultures actually swallow down tiny, aborted fetuses as a ‘health’ regime. I was shocked. Now, I find aborted babies being used in food research in our own country under the guise of providing more healthy food.

This is certainly going to change my shopping habits. No more shortcuts for me. I already prefer my own cooking to fast food product helps and actually see a reduction in my grocery bill. Seems like a win/win situation: reduce our spending and eventually force these companies to rethink their shocking tactics. And, some extra prayers are in order, while we reclaim our kitchens, for the people who don’t care how the companies process their food even if it means using cells from a human baby.

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