Sunday, October 2, 2011

Here's a thought . . .

Okay guys, let me get this straight. Serve 2 years in the House or 4 years in the Senate and get $174,000 per year for life. Not a bad scam is it? And these members of the House and Senate are talking of taking away health care for retired military and their families? We really need to get together and get these people out of office!! And begin cutting where the cuts need to be made. You serve, you get paid, end of story, no retirement, go back to your former job as an attorney.   Our government has no money - how long can we keep giving away what we don't have?



Salary of retired US Presidents .............$180,000 FOR LIFE

Salary of House/Senate .......................$174,00?0 FOR LIFE

Salary of Speaker of the House ............$223,500 FOR LIFE

Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders ...... $193,400 FOR LIFE

Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN .......$38,000

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