Monday, October 24, 2011

There is a reason you pray in thanksgiving before you eat . . .

As we read in the newspapers or hear on the news most any day of the week, we are a nation of overweight people in many respects. There could be any variety of reasons for this but the bottom line is that we tend to eat more in calories that we expend in activity. The government steps in and has restaurants post calorie counts besides their menu description, they ban soda in the schools, and try to convince grade school children that fiber bars are more fun than a cupcake at school parties. It doesn't seem to be working and I don't see fast food places going out of business.

I think a lot of this is in our mentality that if we can get more for less, we'd be wasting our money to not opt for the gallon-sized soft drink or the extra fries along with that. The government steps in, again, and makes them use a better oil. Oil is still fattening and the fries continue to be fried.

I don't think having a fun meal every once in a while is wrong. I also do not think it is the government's business to mandate our eating habits. Just what we need (not!) is the 'carrot police' hopping from door to door and making us eat our daily bunch of vegetables each day. No one is going to change unless they want to change.

As always, moderation is the key but we have become, in many respects, a lazy world where it is easier to drive through for a 'bag' of dinner than actually put a pot to boil on the stove and make pasta at home. The government can make all the proclamations that it wants but the bottom line is that each individual needs to come to terms with their eating habits. The government can put up billboards, run television commercials and people will still do what they want when they want to do it. How many of us have sat through exercise advertisements on television while eating a bowl of ice cream?

I struggle with my weight. My frame carries the extra pounds pretty well so I don't look as if I have a real problem but I know I can do better. What got me to thinking more about this was when I realized that eating dessert after a filling meal bordered on greed. I wasn't really hungry but let my tastebuds rule the input. I could have self-control on matters I considered important but checked it in at the dinner table. Also, even a few extra inches around the waistline is hazardous to your health! I started viewing my eating in line with being a good Christian and it makes a difference. Oh, I'm far, FAR from perfect but a few pounds disappear, I eat healthier, and I don't seem to be suffering! I noted that a lot of my former eating habits pushed the limits of obeying the Ten Commandments.

A side benefit of not eating between meals and sticking to fruits and vegetables for snacks, when necessary, is that I've lost a lot of my temptation for sugars and fats. When I bake, I still enjoy my share but my 'share' is a good taste not a marathon eating adventure. Being hungry when I prepare dinner has also enhance my cooking inspirations. My family likes 'surprise' meals and they turn out better because I've got the best spice going for us - justifiable hunger!

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