Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Memories . . .

Since my four children are either graduated from or going into college, I'm busy selling off all our homeschooling curriculum. As I go through the various books, so many memories come back to me.

When my youngest daughter was six years old and starting in First Grade, she began learning the First Communion Catechism and came up with some interesting observations. I asked her if she knew the two, main sins and she promptly informed me they were Original and Actual Sin. I inquired if she knew what Actual Sin was and she said, "Actual sin is a sin you actually do yourself. And Original sin? "Oh, for that," she replied with conviction, "You need a group!"

When we had advanced to confession in our catechism studies, my daughter was learning to recite the steps for making a good confession. She was stuck and I gently prodded her with, "And after you leave the confessional, what do you do?" A moment’s hesitation and she suddenly lit up, "You kneel down and think about all the sins you forgot to confess!"

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