Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Beware of Balloons!

The European Union, obviously not having anything more important to do, has passed a new safety directive that states that children under the age of eight years old are now not permitted to blow up balloons. Even more interesting, children under the age of 14 are not allowed to blow those whistle blowing party favors - the ones that blow out a long 'tongue' of paper.

First of all, I don't think it is anyone's business outside of my family to tell me what my children can or cannot enjoy at a party or family get together. Being a good parent, naturally, I kept small items like balloons out of my children's hands when they were too little to understand. By the time they reached five years of age, they knew not to either swallow a balloon or put their face or mouth up to an inflated one. Me, the parent, made the rules and provided the protection. I didn't need anyone to come into the privacy of my home and dictate to me. I didn't need a list of rules to tell me what I might be cited for doing/using/enjoying because some panel decided for me.

I'm still at a loss about the whistle-blowing party favors. Even if a child inadvertantly blew one towards another child's face, it is paper not a flame thrower. Again, my children only got to play with such items when they were old enough to not chew, suck, or swallow any part of it.

With all the problems in the world today, it seems interesting that weeks of deliberation would come up with this directive. Interested in reading more about all this . . .

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