Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Missing the Math . . .

The news continues to point up the fact that our politicians have no concept of basic math. Perhaps their disregard is due to the fact that the checks are not being written from their account. The latest is a 400 billion job stimulus package. Let's see . . . The president says he will have to raise taxes in order to fund the job package. The taxes come from people who already have a job and pay enough taxes already. I don't know about other people but when the taxes go up, our spending goes down which reduces what the government will get from us in the way of tax revenue. On a larger scale, the big companies, who have the option of offering more jobs, will circumvent their tax increases by needing fewer jobs. Seems to me that we are facing taxes that will go no where in any productive degree.

It amazes me that my teenage son can listen to what is going on with the government and more clearly see the problems with their legislation than they do.

I don't think that handing out money to make jobs is the way to go. Less financial oppression on the working classes and businesses would go further in providing jobs. But what do I know? I can, however, balance a check book and have never used my overdraft protection. Just sayin' . . .

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