Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What's the Point?

What's the point of being a Christian/Catholic if you don't practice the basic precepts of  Christian Charity? The readings, last Sunday, brought this strongly to mind. It struck home as just a few days before, I was given the cold shoulder by someone I considered a good friend and for no discernable reason that I could see. It also put me in mind of something our pastor had said that with all the rules and traditions of the Catholic Faith, Christian Charity trumps them all and is first and foremost.

I've met some people who like to do this sort of thing on a regular basis and wander back to the friendship when it suits them and never saying what the problem was in the first place. Seems a self-centered game that doesn't increase and grace or merit in the soul. For grownups to do this is very sad because I assumed we had all left the playground years and years ago and didn't need to play games for attention.

Ever since we talked about Christian Charity in my pastor's ongoing religion class, it has opened my eyes more to how I'm coming across to others. Like everyone, I have a ways to go but I'm now more aware of my words and actions and try to head the unchristian reactions off at the pass. I have also realized that we can't be pals with everyone but we can pray for everyone who passes through our lives.

I'm still laughing at the antics of the defunct 'good friend' that ended up at the same event as my family. It got to be very noticeable as she'd herd her family out of our path whenever we happened upon each other. It shouldn't have been funny but we couldn't help the giggles as a simple nod and smile in passing might have made the day less nerve-wracking for her and her family. We were never informed of our family's ghastly shortcomings (this is after ten years of friendship). It did make us all realize that we have to exhibit charity towards other no matter the situation lest we try and hurt people as this group was trying to do to us.

Good lesson here about working at following the 'golden rule' as we had a great time that day and didn't work up any nerves because we had to 'show' anyone our disdain by blantantly ignoring someone. In my 'youth', this sort of behavior would intimidate me and isolate me, at times. Now, I grin, send out a quick prayers, and thoroughly enjoy the true friends I do have in my life.

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