Saturday, September 17, 2011

Inspired myself!

I guess posting salad dressing recipes resulted in some self-inspiration for this evening's meal. We had just been shopping so I had some fresh fruit and vegetables at hand. There was also some bacon in the freezer. Since broccoli was my dominant vegetable in the refrigerator, I decided on a cold broccoli salad. My basic recipe was:

About two cups of raw broccoli, cut into bite-sized pieces
Some crispy fried bacon - use your own judgment on this!
One diced apple with the skin.
One diced pear with the skin.
About 1/2 cup sliced bell peppers (I used red, orange, and yellow baby bell peppers)

I went with the No Cream Dressing I posted earlier today but added some dried dill to it. As you can from the picture, it is ready and waiting in the refrigerator for dinner. My husband likes to snack but, according to the doctor, has to lose a few pounds. I always make extra of these kinds of salad as it fills him out but not out. It's healthy, too.

The rest of dinner? Braised beef and smashed potatoes.

I make my smashed potatoes by peeling and quartering the desired amount needed for dinner. I boil the potatoes in salted water until just tender. With a heavy spoon or potato masher, I break up the potatoes and add some milk, butter, salt, and pepper and continue stirring and mixing. Not exactly whipped potatoes but my family seems to prefer this rougher version. For extra taste, I throw in several peeled garlic cloves into the potatoes as they cook.
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