Saturday, June 11, 2011

MIssion Accomplished - German meal in Southern California


The German half of my heritage came through for me and I managed a German meal that met with my son's approval. He only wished we were still overseas (no legal drinking age to speak of) so he could have a Radler - half beer/half lemonade. We didn't get to the German deli but made due with some respectable Bratwurst sold at Costco. No complaints and clean plates. I've earned my play time on the computer this evening.

Anyone want the recipe for the garlic/sausage mashed potatoes, let me know. Actually, we first had them in Hungarford, England but they go much better with Bratwurst. And, yes, the garlic featured in the right hand, top picture was all used in the potatoes.
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Charmaigne Beverly Ekaterina said...

I would like the recipe for your garlic & sausage mashed potatoes, thank you! That German meal that you made sounds delicious. :-)

Barbara Maria said...

Okay, I'll get it posted. Marc and I had the potatoes in Hungarford, England. He said I came pretty close to getting it right. Marc doesn't even like potatoes but he liked them this way.