Friday, April 8, 2011

Who is that knocking at my door . . .

Every month around our neighborhood, the Jehovah Witnesses come streaming in and approaching every door with their booklets and faith sharing. My husband's mother says she NEVER opens the door to them but yells through that, "WE are Catholic and don't believe in your stuff so GO AWAY!" Effective but, in my personal opinion, it doesn't carry out the "they will know we are Christian by our love . . ." concept we should observe in our dealings with anyone.

I don't mind them coming to the door. I gladly open the door and listen to what they have to say and then either defend what they are saying about my faith or share some aspect that we actually have in common. If they get stuck on a set subject line they are supposed to be putting forth that day, I just change the subject. Yes, I defend my religion but I don't demand that they agree with me. When it is all said and done, it is up to God to decide everyone's final outcome.

Lately, however, I'm getting more and more frequent visits which is unusual. Once they discover that I'm firm in my faith, they don't visit again until the next round of new Jehovah Witnesses come by and consider us new territory. I got a visit, yesterday, and while we were talking, I was getting an impression that I couldn't quite figure out. When they left, it hit me that they were the only ones out that day and I was the specific 'target'! I guess being polite has put me on their prospects list!

I won't stop answering the door. I won't stop exchanging points of view. They are, however, going to be very disappointed that I'm not going th change.

Life is always interesting if you participate in it!

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