Friday, April 8, 2011

Satisfactory Day . . .

In my opinion, a near-perfect day! I think the time spent at Adoration before lunch certainly helped on that score. Chores got done, dinner preparations in place, so I earned some time at the sewing machine. I gratefully put it to good use and got almost all of my 42 quilt squares pieced and ready for the next step.

As it usually goes with me, I'm halfway into one project and my mind is already turning to other ideas. I always have a hard time staying on course when the 'creativity' sets in.

A huge cloud burst this afternoon put a wet shine on our streets and dipped the temperatues down to much cooler. I'm glad I settled on hot soup for dinner. My husband jokes that I seem to make hot soup way too often in the heat of summer. Got it right this evening!

Looking forward to an evening with my family and some time to work on a shawl I'm crocheting. Hope the good Lord blesses you all with the same!

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