Friday, April 8, 2011

Brrrrr . . . the cold and rain has arrived!

I arrive at church early every morning so I can get in my daily walk before Mass. I am the best reference as to how cold is it by how fast my walk goes! This morning, I kept up a very brisk clip as it was COLD!

Potato/cheese soup is on my menu this evening to celebrate a brief return to winter. It's been awhile since I've made this soup so it will be doubly welcome today after we all complete a good day's work.

Already have my ironing board out and after I catch up on my husband's shirts for work, I hope to get a few more squares on my quilt pieced together. It is also Friday which means all-day Adoration at our parish so I plan to drop by and visit our Lord before lunch. Has the makings of a good day so I'm praying God grants it continue to be so!

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