Sunday, April 10, 2011

Update on Lenny . . .

Here is the latest news on Lenny who is trying to recover from the delivery of her baby girl which had many complications. The baby is fine and healthy. Lenny still needs lot of prayers and medical help. Here is the note that was forwarded to me.


The surgeons were hoping the placenta would atrophy. It is not cooperating. Lenny is on a drug that has her pretty wiped out. They are watching her closely. My daughter visited her and told her that there are probably tens of thousands of people praying for her. She wept.

We are grateful to God for her baby's life. Now we need another effort to get her safely through this. She has been in bed for three months and would feel terrible even without complications. Please pray that she get healthy and home fast and that there be no permanent harm.

Thank you,

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