Sunday, April 10, 2011

New twist or old-fashioned throw back . . .

Just got some semolina flour, last week, so had to make pasta today. I don't have a pasta machine or anything fancy. I just get an upper body workout rolling out the dough with my own muscle power! I usually make the noodles with chicken soup but decided to use them like spaghetti pasta and top them with tomato sauce and spicy meatballs for dinner. Not sure if this is only new to me or if that's the way it was way back in old times Italy! Anyway, my husband perked up considerably to learn that it was just plain, old spaghetti and meatballs for dinner today.

The cooler weather has wandered off, again, and it will be in the 80's degrees area by the end of the week. It's my fault, the temperature change! I bought several types of flour for baking so, naturally, it would attract the hot temperatures where turning on the oven isn't a great idea. That doesn't mean, however, that I will NOT bake!

Very nice Sunday Mass. There are two converts preparing for their Baptism on Holy Saturday so we have a small ceremony each Sunday as they finish off their steps towards this sacrament and their welcome to the church.

Our friends were at Mass so we got a chance to catch up. There are six children in this family and the older son is at the seminary. He and I were both upset to discover that my son and I would be leaving on a trip the day before he arrives home for a break. To make it worse, he is going back to the seminary the day before we come home from our trip!

All in God's Own Time, I guess, although I wish I knew where to post my 'want' list!

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