Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Benghazi left in the shadow of Syria . . .

We have a anniversary, today. It's been exactly one year since the attack in Benghazi. Sad to say, the liberal media has yet to demand answers and hold the Obama administration accountable for unanswered questions. Americans died horribly in an American Embassy while the powers that be either neglected or ignored the protocol required and necessary to resolve the situation. The American people still have a right to answers about this. The American people are still not getting these answers.

Why did Hillary Clinton, head of State Department, continue to blame the attack on a video when the documents revealed that it was confirmed to be a terrorist attack within a couple of hours of the attack?

Shouldn’t the Secretary of State Clinton have been further questioned by the Accountability Review Board regarding her acceptance of ‘full responsibility’ for the attack?

Help was within reach yet commandos were denied permission to go to Benghazi and help fellow Americans under siege. The attack lasted for hours.

The Foreign Emergency Support Team was denied permission to go into Benghazi as conditions were too dangerous . . . yet, Americans were left to die there.

To this day, we have yet to really hear from survivors about those hours under siege and you have to wonder why. How often have tragic events seemingly immediately been made into ‘made-for-television’ movies . . . but things are strangely quiet about this one.

Today, the president is schedule to talk to the American people about the crisis in Syria . . . on the anniversary of the tragedy in Benghazi? Makes you wonder if this was a manufactured event to overshadow the deadly events of this time last year.

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