Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Boston Marathon - April 15, 2013

Hurt, death, and disaster are a tragedy in any event but when the mayhem visited on innocent people is deliberate, you can only shake you head in disbelief and wonder at man's inhumanity to man. Such was the horrible finish of the Boston Marathon yesterday afternoon. A bright, beautiful day bringing crowds of people out to enjoy the annual marathon was shattered by the cowardly bombing of innocent people. Three people, one a young child, started off the day in happy anticipation and will never return home. More than a hundred people will bear both physical and mental scars after surviving the attack. While most of us cannot be there in person to help, we can pray. I found this prayer for healing on the Catholic Relief Services site and it seem to address many of the needs in our world, today,  including the hateful attack in Boston yesterday.

Awaken Us

Lord of hopefulness, awaken us.
Show us the meaning in our labor,
That we may ever rejoice in the promise of the
seeds we sow.

Lord of righteousness, awaken us.
Show us the good path,
That we may walk in confidence in your wisdom
and understanding.

Lord of hospitality, awaken us.
Show us that our refuge is found in you,
That we may always provide shelter in times of

Lord of freedom, awaken us.
Show us the courage that called our forefathers
out of bondage,
That we may always stand with the bound and the oppressed and be their champions.

Lord of all peace, awaken us.
Show us the heart that stills even raging waters,
That we may still angry hearts and reconcile warring neighbors.

Lord of charity, awaken us.
Teach us of the unending return on our sacrifice,
That we may rejoice more fully in giving.

Lord, you have eyes for the just and ears for the cry of those who suffer.
Awaken in us a heart of justice,
That you may count us among their number.

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