Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Three Votes and No Pope . . . Yet!

Like the majority of the world, I was glued to the television yesterday awaiting the first sign that the cardinals had cast their votes. As is general news now, the first vote earned black smoke meaning no new pope elected - yet! This morning, two more rounds of black smoke so the suspense is still in place.

Yes, I have my favorites for the new pope but know that the final result will be God's Will not mine although I'm prone to sending up suggestions! It has been fun, amusing, and interesting to read the secular reports on the process and the wishes for people in what they look for in a new pope. Noticed a lot of modern nuns saying they wanted a pope who gave them a bigger voice in the church. Makes you wonder how the Bible would have been written if the Blessed Mother made such demands of her Son?

Read an article that said that unless the Church 'changes its ways', meaning go with the sinful flow of the world, it will gradually lose it's membership and authority. Uh, it's been over 2,000 years and we continue to grow. I think a lot of people like the idea of a religion but not the rules that prohibit them from the sins of the world like abortion, contraceptives, etc. If you want to be in the 'club', follow the guidelines of the 'club' or find/found your own religion. The Ten Commandments aren't all that controversial!

Meanwhile, we wait and you can be sure my radio will be tuned in all day in hopes of being there when the awaited announcement is made.

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