Friday, November 23, 2012

United Nations and how they don't help . . .

I just read that the United Nations seems to view contraception a 'universal human right' and that it should be funded by taxpayers money. To me, a human right is not a tangible that can be bought and paid for and given to everyone at the expense of everyone. Contraception is a choice and if one chooses this avenue to avoid the responsibility of children, then it is something they should be liable for and the costs should come from their own resources. Many, many people do not believe in the early stages of abortion that occur to women on the pill. They aren't preventing other women from using their own form of conscience and using the pill or some other form of contraception but ask that it won't be charged to their income via taxes.  Contraception is against the precepts of the Catholic Church and practicing Catholics will not use artificial means with which to  either prevent conception or terminate it at any stage.

Now, the United Nations wants to burden everyone with the cost of killing the unborn regardless of morality and beliefs. You have to wonder why one mind set of the population is allowed to dictate the conscience of another? Catholics who practice their Faith will tell you why they don't want to make use of the modern methods of disposing of babies but no one is preventing anyone from making their own decision . . . unless, of course, you are against contraception but forced to help pay for it. Universal humans rights certainly have a very limited perspective.

It is hard to be totally surprised about this latest potential infringement into our personal lives. The Catholic Church already has at least 30 lawsuits pending against the White House over the insurance mandates that go against our freedom of religion. If our children attend public schools, many of them have been exposed to teachings that don't follow our moral code. The problems against people of Faith keep growing . . .

During the recent election, not much was said from the pulpit about voting Catholic . . . so 50% of the Catholics in America, obviously with similar dioceses, voted for the incumbent. Our bishop was strongly behind over turning the death penalty even though it is line with the Church when necessary. The abortion issue was a preliminary sideline. With the United Nation's latest idea, it will be interesting to see how the various bishops handle the situation . . . if at all. Makes you wonder, at times, if they are more afraid of the liberals than they are of God. Let us pray . . .

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