Tuesday, November 27, 2012

obama aka Christ on the Cross - I think not!

The so called tolerance of our country is certainly one-sided and if the tolerance is offering a chance to disrespect Christians, then so much the better. Public displays of the Nativity scene are banned in many places, making obscene fun of the Catholic clergy and Pope is just 'innocent' fun, and art is a 'freedom of speech' act and should be honored and revered. This is just the latest in this war on Faith.

How this artist gets any respect for using his talent to disrespect our Lord and Savior is beyond me. It often reminds me of the story of the King's New Clothes and I'm just waiting for a public voice of reason to ask what the point is of dipping a crucifix in urine and getting a place in an art gallery or depicting the very, very pro-abort president as a Christ on the cross.

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