Thursday, November 8, 2012

Celebrating our Democracy?

We live in a country where we still have some rights and privileges not enjoyed by other countries. We all have a right to make choices when it comes to voting. The sad part is the lack of research and education into how people make that vote that is dismaying. Reporters and talk show hosts entertain us with on the street interviews with people who will be voting but have absolutely no idea of who or what they are voting for when they go into the voting booth. Many, like a kid who didn't study for a spelling test, are all too happy to listen to the first person who tells them where to make their voting mark or what button to push. We all want to elect candidates of character but that is difficult when the voters don't understand character and values.

I've seen this over and over in people I actually attend Mass with at our parish. Many of them were quite unaware of the fact that obama is totally in favor of abortion at any time in the pregnancy and rescinded all the safeguards President Bush had in place during his presidency. The meek ones just blink and go with the flow. The adamant ones who will do what they want to do regardless of the facts contend that obama's support of Planned Parenthood and abortion is a myth devised by the conservatives to make him look bad.

Who is to blame? Of course, you can blame many of these people for not listening to the advice from their bishops . . . Oh, wait, the percentage of bishops that came out strongly, filed lawsuits re. the illegal mandate, and denounced the 'legal' persecution of Catholics was not a majority.

One woman told me that the national news stations like CBS, NBC, etc. didn't say anything about it. I said that they are all in the employ of the left and if she wants real news, she might check out the conservative radio stations or listen to Fox News. She shuddered and said, "Oh, they are too mean to the president on Fox News!" meaning that she stopped short of actually listening in case what was reported might upset her mental applecart and cause her to think before voting.

Someone else at our parish voted the race card. He is black, obama is black - all's good with a vote for a brother. I mentioned that obama was in favor of abortion and this affected minorities to a great degree. He harshly replied that he hated Republicans and blacks take care of their own. Uh, when? How?  . . . as the abortion figures tell another story.

The last four years remind me of the Roman times when they had the bread and games - handing out food to the masses in order to get the vote or whatever they were after that particular day. Not a big difference from obamaphones, increased food stamps, no work requirement for welfare checks, and hand outs instead of a hand up for people.

The United States is literally on a moral, political, and financial cliff. More are in favor of continuing as we are as it is comfortable. Those that work realize that eventually the money runs out with little hope of regaining it. While these agendas continue on a downward path, the military is slowly being downsized leaving us open to even worse than Benghazi.

I think the source of all that has come about over the last few years is an increase in the moral and cultural collapse of the country. A country is built on hard work and strong character . . .a lot of which is lacking.

I didn't look forward to the four years beginning in November of 2008 and fear the next four years as the press covers up the illegalities happening around us and human life is a side issue if even an issue at all with so many. The recent devastation left by Hurricane Sandy got more attention from the president than the murder of Americans in Benghazi. It was like he felt he could control the weather but didn't chose to control the terrorist situation that took American lives.

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