Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Democracy in Action? I Think Not . . .

When I grew up, I loved the idea of a country where the better candidate won an election based on merit, character, and knowledge. It doesn't seem to work that way anymore. The last four years haven't been great and it seems  we need a change in office. Contrary to some belief, I don't think that giving the current president another four years will make anything better and, in fact, may change the United States in many ways that will adversely affect generations to come.

Yes, I think candidates should be open but they should all be open to scrutiny. To date, we have not been able to view many of the documents that the president has laid claim to as they have been sealed or concealed from public viewing. Interesting because he managed to have a court order remove a closure on a court document to see to another person's defeat several years ago and now is attempting to do the same to Romney.

It seems that if you can't run a campaign based on what you, the president, have accomplished, it is rather poor sportsmanship to attempt to ruin another's credibility because you have so little to offer. Naturally, our 'favorite' lawyer is there for the president because she likes nothing better than to demean and destroy another person's life. She has never been in a court room but is always in the news.

Since Mr. Romney has led a good life, I'm assuming that whatever they want to do to him will only make the bitter factions look petty and stupid. My main worry are the many people who don't research past the biased news reports and change their vote based on a whim and not a fact.

It is two weeks before the election and the possibility of a change for the good in our country. Prayers are needed because I don't believe the democrats put that sort of thing at the head of their list. Prayers are also needed for other Catholics who are bound and determined to vote the incumbent in for another four years. My pastor said that the moment the democratic convention announced they were campaigning on same-sex marriage and abortion, it would be sinful for a Catholic to vote for them. To me, voting for a candidate in any election who you know supports the death of the unborn at any stage of development would be against Church teachings.

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