Friday, July 13, 2012

Winning the election on merit?

Listening to the radio is often a hair-tearing endeavor. On the liberal stations, you hear the stretched truths and downright lies. You switch to the more conservative stations that explain what is really going on and you have to wonder where the media is on this and if they'd treat the same untruths told by Republicans with as much silence as they do for the Democrats.

The latest is that the Welfare Act signed by Democratic President Clinton in 1996 and passed by a Republican Congress has now been changed, and illegally so, by the obama administration. Where is the outcry? The 1996 act has a provision by which recipients of welfare checks had to fulfill certain work requirements one of which was spending a certain amount of time actively looking for work. The whole program was basically a success and weeded out the entitlement people from the people who really needed the help. The law had some 'wiggle room' but the one point that could not be changed was the work requirement. It took months of discussion and argument before this reached President Clinton's desk for signature.

The current administration bypassed all this checks and balance 'nonsense' and just took out the work requirement provision with a flourish of the pen. You have to wonder why . . .

I was listening to AM 590 and one of the producers ventured that if people do not have to actively look for work, they probably will not look for work. If they take their names off the list of unemployed looking for work, the unemployment numbers go down . . . No incumbent president has ever won re-election with high unemployment numbers and as we all know from the nightly news, this president's numbers are not good in that area. It seems that the numbers are being 'adjusted' to improve the president's chances. It also seems that he will stop at nothing to bring down his opponent and try and fool the American people into voting him in for another four years.

As all this garbage goes back and forth and he promotes political ads that are untrue about the Republican candidate, you have to wonder where his heart is in this campaign. Actually, it is pretty evident . . . His record of the last four years hasn't panned out well and the only agenda he can run on is lying about the Republicans and trashing their candidate. In doing this, he obscures the real issues of economy, citizens' rights and freedoms, unemployment, and the massive debt he has accrued and forced on future generations.

All I can say is that I hope that November 2012 with give us some change!

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