Friday, July 13, 2012

Buttery Cinnamon Biscuits

Here is a really quick way to treat your family with either a great dessert (add some whipped cream or ice cream!) or a warm, happy breakfast. Very little work except to remember to put canned biscuits on the grocery list this week.

Buttery Cinnamon Biscuits
3 cans of refrigerated biscuits
2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmet
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 stick of butter (margarine doesn't work as well)
1 cup brown sugar

Cut each biscuit into fourths. Combine the cinnamon, sugars, and spices. Melt the butter. Dip each piece of biscuit into the melted butter and then roll in the sugar/spice mixture. Place in a greased baking pan. A Bundt pan works but you can be creative with what you have on hand. Drizzle whatever butter and sugar mixture may be left over the top of the biscuits.

Bake in a 350-degree, preheated oven for 20-25 minutes depending on your oven and the pan you used.

Ideas . . .
Glaze the top with lemon icing when it comes from the oven.
Scatter finely chopped nuts over the top before baking.

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