Saturday, July 7, 2012

Brave, New World it won't be . . .

Many people think nationalized healthcare would be the threshold to a 'brave, new world' for the United States. While I do think we need some changes in our current application of medical care, The new dictates being put into place by obamacare, however, would be not be conducive to adequate health coverage for anyone. And, in spite of their claims, would still leave some people without coverage. It hasn't worked in other countries so it is almost arrogance to feel that the United States has solved the problem. Here are some of the side effects of this new 'tax' on our lives and income.

Increase demand for medical care.
Fewer Doctors because of lower pay.
Regulations will burden the doctors that do work.
Care will be restricted.
Fewer hospitals.
Waiting times at ERs will grow.
Increasingly harder to get appointments.
Nurse practitioners and para-medical providers will be taking over a lot of your health.
Best and brightest will avoid medical profession.
Older doctors more likely to retire than deal with regulations.
41% of doctors will stop taking medicare patients altogether.

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