Monday, June 4, 2012

Life vs. Politics . . .

According to the Democrats, the Republicans have declared a 'war on women'. I find that an interesting perspective with little foundation other than it has been spouted by the liberals and if you disagree with a liberal, they just shout their stuff louder. No basis proved, just that they can out shout you.

It is also interesting that factions that have joined this round of revelations. Planned Parenthood is here for the health of women which, according to them, the conservatives want to stop. A well-known 'fact' given out by Planned Parenthood over the years is that they provide mammograms. Turns out that upon some research, their sites do not even have mammograms facilities on premises.

Planned Parenthood wants to preserve a woman's right to health services. Their main goal (and source of income) is abortion. With abortion, there is always one wounded and one dead. They want to keep abortion legal to prevent all those deaths from backstreet abortions pre. Roe vs. Wade. Statistics show more women have died at the hand of the 'legal' abortionists.

In keeping with Planned Parenthood's goal of keeping women healthy, they conveniently neglect to aknowledge that abortion raises a woman's chance of developing breast cancer. Or, that the birth control pill has many side effects and probably a lot more that just haven't surfaced yet.

It is hard to take the anti-life community seriously on their stand of preserving women's rights and respect when abortion also takes the lives of many female babies. In many cases, couples who are hoping for that son and heir may sacrifice a viable pregnancy with a female in order to try for the selected and wanted gender child. You can't be said to defend women's rights if you don't defend them from conception.

Planned Parenthood also provides obscene sexual information to make young children and teens comfortable with their sexuality. Seems that if you make the act of procreation a matter of casual recreation, you take away the respect of the people involved.

Republicans are also said to deprive women of their proper place in the work force. Interesting how the staff in the Democratic Senate pay their women employees less than the male counterparts. According to Pelosi, the Senate is a 'different world'. I have to agree that the Democratic Senate is other worldly in their view of reality. They see what they think needs fixing for everyone else but themselves.

Working women are exalted and congratulated by the liberals. Working women at home are dismissed as being lazy and unproductive. So much for defending the rights of all women by the Democrats. I was blessed to be able to stay home and raise and school my children. I was busy from dawn until dusk with a lot of midnight emergencies with various childhood illnesses, nightmares, and baby needs. I didn't have any paid leave of absence and lived and breathed my job. When someone tells me they are a full-time mother and a full-time career woman, it is hard to understand their math.

If anyone is waging war on women, born and unborn, it is not the conservatives. If anyone wonders where our current president stands on this issue, he recently got monetary support from Planned Parenthood and is now known as the abortion president.

November 2012 will be a battleground as the election will probably be tampered with, again, as re-election is sought to provide us with four more years of dead babies and economic hardships. Sad to say, many of the Catholics I know who voted for the current president, intend to do so a second time. It is hard for me to understand how people blessed with the Faith built on the blood of martyrs would put politics before their professed religion.

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