Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Media doesn't seem to represent everyone . . .

For a long time, the news we get on most stations doesn't always report the news as it actually happens or bother to give it much air time at all. When there is a gathering of liberals protesting something, the small crowd that actually shows up is multiplied to the thousands by the time the liberal media reports and films it for viewer consumption. However, if the Tea Party or any other more conservative faction makes a stand that is in opposition to the liberal mind set, it is minimalized or mentioned in passing as the news program goes to commercial.

This week, the Catholic Church filed suit against Washington's mandate that would force Catholic institutions to go against their teachings and conscience and provide birth control and worse in their hospitals and at their colleges. The message we get is that the Catholics hate women and want to deprive them of 'women's health' coverage.

First of all, contraception is readily available these days so why should anyone be charged and responsible for people getting birth control? Second, contraceptives come with serious health warnings so why should they be considered 'women's health' coverage? Third, the rights of Catholics to worship according to their Church Laws is being taken away with the mandatory strictures being forced upon them.

Many of the bishops and cardinals have been trying to deal with the president and the liberal powers that he to not go against our Catholic rights as citizens to no avail. For some reason, the president thinks he will get votes in November by putting down the Catholic Church and forcing it to abide by his mandate.

I imagine he and Washington were taken aback when, in a concerted effort, many lawsuits were filed against them this week. In a fair and unbiased society, this would have been more than huge news and be reported on constantly with minute by minute updates on what is happening, reactions, etc. Sadly, if you want the news, these days, the media isn't the place to go for it. In fact, one group, MRCTV, sent someone out to ask people's reaction to this amazing turn of events. Ninety percent of the people hadn't heard about it. Let's see . . . The Catholic Church sues the US Government and it isn't on the headline of every television and rado news report? It isn't on the front page of the newspaper until it is settled? It is a sad world where the media protects the government yet expects the citizens to support their newspapers and programs.

The people who do hear about this mandate against the Catholic Church don't feel it applies to them. Today, they take away the Catholic's right to live by their Faith and conscience. Do the other religions think they are safe, too? We are just the first step and they hope that once the 'big' power falls, the rest will be easy to dismiss.

I have to wonder how that massive percentage of Catholics feel about what they have helped bring about with their vote for an anti-life president back in 2008?

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