Friday, March 23, 2012

When the Internet is down, you gain . . .

We had an amazing day of lightening and thunder a few months. The house shook, the lightening flashed, our dog look reproachfully at us . . . and the Internet went down ALL DAY LONG! What to do?! How could we survive a long day without access to our blogs and e-mail. We forgot to be thankful we still has electric power.

Well, I discovered I could get a lot more sewing done when I didn't drop by the computer ever so often to see if my 'you have mail' flag was flying. In fact, I almost got two, large quilts to the finishing stages that day. Things like the laundry got done because sitting around soon got boring for my daughter. My son used the elliptical to even greater advantage than usual. The Monopoly Game came out and two of my children rediscovered the fun of a board game when they were bored!

Later, we found a DVD we hadn't viewed (the television was also not broadcasting) and settled down with sewing and snacks to enjoy the evening. Suddenly, my son yelled, "I see the power light! The Internet is back up!" Everyone scattered, Monopoly money flew, no longer hoarded, and the day lost some of it's fun in a way.

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