Friday, March 16, 2012

Railroading into a quilting project . . .

 I have a cupboard full of fabric lengths but my inspiration lately has veered towards scrap quilts. My favorite pattern is the rail fence. I think it is because it only takes strips of two by six inch pieces of fabric and you can always squeeze a bunch of those from remnants on hand.

My last two 'creations' were definitely scrap quilts of the very scrappy variety as I used any and every color that crawled out of my scrap box. Surprisingly, it all went together nicely in spite of it's varied origins. It definitely keeps your eyes moving when you try to focus in on it. It also makes a nice memory quilt as I recognize pieces from little dresses I made for my girls when they were much younger. This is one quilt I'm planning on keeping for myself. I'm going to leave it on the sofa where people can grab it and cuddle under it when the evening is cool. Quilts should be loved and used!

My current project is to cut out rail fence scraps of every type of green fabric so this  idea has a semblance of planning. Besides blue, green is a favorite color. The next one will use up my blue pieces. There is something soothing in doing a quilt that doesn't require a lot of thinking when you piece it together. You get to enjoy the sewing process more and there is a lot less ripping out of crooked seams, too!

I wonder if I went the green fabric route  with St. Patrick's Day in my subconscious?!

I make a lot of baby quilts, too. I don't think I have ever made the standard pastel one, either. I like bright colors and pretty prints. I think babies agree as they seem to try and catch the bits of pattern when they see one. I remember making a primary colored quilt for one of my own children and they loved touching and feeling the bright blues, reds, and yellows. Never underestimate the tastes of an infant! They like some excitement in their life, too.

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