Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Our downward trend . . .

So, where was the outrage from the media when our president made plans with the Russian delagate not realizing his mike was open? He tried to brush it all off but what was said should give everyone concern about his administration. The media sort of reported it but only the conservative side gave it the press it deserved.

When Rush Limbaugh made unseemly remarks about the Fluke woman, the president personall called her with support and apologies for what she went through. Did he do the same when Republican females in office and their families were called much, much worse?

The tragic shooting of the young man in Florida in Februrary deserved attention but making a personal judgment on the case, the president took away the man's right to be innocent until proven guilty. Sure, we all have our preconceived notions about what did or did not happen that evening but the verdict is up to the jury once they have all the facts.

Now there is a bounty put on the head of the person who shot the young man. Where is the support and example from our administration on this? People are trying to stir up the problem and cause problems and chaos in the streets . . . and nothing but silence from the White House. Shouldn't a leader of a country lead by example?

You have to wonder if we have enough citizens with prayer on their minds and in their hearts to offset the disasters all these situations might inflame. Why are so many eager to push our country over the cliff without thought?

And the biased media? Aren't they smart enough to realize that the first to be silenced in the world they are pushing for will be them? Everyone should get back to the history books because our mistakes are repeated over and over, again, yet we refuse to learn.

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