Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Abortion clinics - modern day death camps?

My son and I were blessed to have visited many of the sites of World War II battles last summer. One of the battles that wasn't fought fairly could be found in the concentration camps. We had an extensive tour of the infamous Dachau Concentration Camp outside of Munich, Germany. There was something haunting about going through the crematoriums, actually standing in the gas chamber, and walking down a hallway flanked with doors on each side . . . torture chambers.

One of the horrors among many horrors of these camps, besides the murder of countless Jews, was the use of the gas chambers to rid the world of the handicapped, mentally challenged, and misfits - according to the dictates of the Nazi Party. I don't think a single one of us could read or view the places where this happened without a shudder of distaste about the waste of life in search of the 'perfect race'. I guess no one stopped to think that perfection cannot be bred into existence when it is orchastrated by men of such standards. One of the banners we saw on our visit said, "Never Again!"

"Never Again!" values haven't lasted the test of time. Right now, one of our president's czars is in favor of 'aborting' a child up to the age of two. No one in the media has seen fit to protest this in the headlines. Some doctors in Australia are advocating the right to kill infants after they are born to weed out the deformed, mentally challenged, medically expensive infants that will cost the state money and the parents too much heartbreak. A single, lethal injection and convenience over morality wins again.

While the thought of this being ever possible is bouncing off our brains, it turns out that infanticide is already 'legal' in the Netherlands.

Right now, Christians of all faiths are protesting the president's mandate on forcing everyone to pay for abortions and the various pills and formulas related to killing babies in the womb. If the government wins this round and is in charge of how we spend our money based on having medical insurance, can the rest of the evils be far behind? Now that the government wants to control reproductive rights, how much further can they go? Will they decide we don't need more than two children? What kind of police state will evolve as they try and hunt out expectant mothers who would defy such a rule?

How can we shudder over the horrific death camps of World War II when we have taken the abuse and death of babies and, possibly soon, even the rights of our elderly to such depths of depravity? What are the general reasons for abortion other than convenience? Gender selection . . . Compromised health of the baby . . . A Down's Child . . . Too young for a baby . . . Too old to bear a child . . . I've always considered a baby a genuine gift from God because they won't be conceived unless He Wills it to be so. Yes, sometimes, the conception of the child results through sin but the baby is always innocent.

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