Saturday, February 4, 2012

Out of the mouth of babes . . .

My 18 year old had an interesting and somewhat profound view on the recent back and forth with the funding from Susan G. Komen to Planned Parenthood. He said that it seemed to him that if Komen had taken a stand and stuck with it, he'd have more respect for their group than the obvious caving in of their decision in the face of opposition. He said that backing down the day after making such an announcement seemed to show to him that they really have no solid ground of belief either way on the subject otherwise they wouldn't have wavered at the first sign of disagreement.

When the whole story broke initially about them stopping funding to Planned Parenthood, I mentioned that it would be a nice gesture to send Komen a donation in thanks. My son said to wait because it didn't seem like a done deal in spite of the publicity. He was correct and I wa fortunate to not have thrown my money into an organization of which I wasn't entirely in agreement.

We were talking with our pastor this morning and he said that, yes, Planned Parenthood would abide by the limitation of use on the funds and not use it for abortion.  However, by giving them money to go only towards 'women's health', it frees up their other money to go towards abortion. This happens all the time in business practice and it's legal . . . but legal, in this case, doesn't necessarily make it right.

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