Saturday, February 4, 2012

Getting particular about the free food . . .

The freeloading cats on our front porch are all front and center each morning and evening for whatever we might want to offer them in the way of food. We usually keep dry cat food on hand and a few cans of the 'good stuff' as a treat. Last night, we had leftover rice fritata and put that out for them. The two gray cats immediately dug in happily. The Siamese came over, tasted a bit and wrinkled his nose in distaste. Thinking it might be just that corner of the dish, he jumped over one of his friends, pushed him aside, and tried from there. Didn't like it. Howl the Siamese did this a few times until he gave up in disgust and just glared at the other two who were obviously enjoying the treat.

We did note that the mixed vegetables in the fritata were not to anyone's liking. The smaller, gray cat would take in a big mouthful of food, chew, swallow, and then spit out pieces of carrot and green bean. Given their age in cat years, typical teenage reaction to good food!

*A fritata is a cooked mixture of rice, mixed vegetables, egg, cheese, and herbs fried in a big 'pancake' in the frying pan - a favorite of my children - kid and cat friendly! :-)
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