Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Teenagers ARE smarter than parents . . .!

My husband and I went shopping the other day and my teenage son asked us to bring him back something to drink. We found a large bottle of sparkling apple cider on sale and returned home with that and put it in the refrigerator. My son was pleased.

Later in the day, we went to the Dollar Store and they had the same brand of sparkling apple cider only in a really small size. It was an exact replica of the large size only in a one-serving sized bottle. We purchased it and swapped it for the large bottle already in the refrigerator. My husband hid the big bottle in the unused ice chest in the garage. Then we waited for the eventual reaction when my son would discover his bottle of cider had 'shrunk'.

Two days went by . . . and nothing. Yesterday morning, we checked and the small bottle was still in place. We went out on an errand and when we got back, I noticed the big bottle was back in it's original place and the little bottle was missing! We immediately confronted my son who grinned evilly and said he had, indeed, discovered our plot and found the big bottle in the cooler and switched it with the little one to wait and see our reaction!

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