Thursday, December 8, 2011

Serious work day . . .

No creative playing in the kitchen today for me. Cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning. First, I organized all my cooking magazines so I can easily go through them and pick out the recipes I've been meaning to try for months but could never remember where I saw them in the first place. Got rid of lots of ancient books the children have either outgrown or never liked in the first place. After ten-plus years, I don't think they are going to change their minds about them now. Going out of the used curriculum selling business on-line. Lots of room in my computer area and, probably, a lot of happy people when we take all the books down to the thrift store. If you can't use or sell something, you should put it out there for people who would enjoy them. It was a bit of a wrench at the heart strings to see some of the stuff go but a dear pastor once said that what is a treasure to us will be looked at as junk when we are gone and the family goes through our stuff. Hard to let go of some things but I hear say you can't take it with you! :-)

I'm going to put my daughters to work when they come home, too, clearing out their rooms. I could barely reach one's bed through the stacks of stuff she left when she went back to school in August.

Got really annoyed at the former speaker of the house again today. When the Catholic bishops don't agree with her on matters of Church rules, she calls them everything except correct in standing up for the Faith she purports to love. She is in favor of abortion yet claims she is a devout Catholic. Obviously, her training in the Catholic Faith was sadly lacking. The Church is pretty clear on this matter and the fact that our bishops object at our tax dollars going for abortion seems in line with the real Church . . . not the one the former speaker of the house would like to think it should be. She might do a little research into what is what with her 'devotion' to the Faith she 'loves' because publically being in favor or abortion and voting in favor of abortion could very well put her on the path to excommunicating herself from the Faith.

I just don't get it. If you don't like the rules, leave the 'club'. A priest told me once that people who think like our former speaker of the house don't want to be 'outside' of the organization as it is easier to cause trouble and damage from within.

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