Saturday, December 17, 2011

Religious Freedom?

According to yesterday's Drudge Report, United States Congressmen are barred from saying 'Merry Christmas' in any of their official mailings. I find this restriction to be unnecessary and very much against the reason this country was founded - religious freedom. Isn't that why the pilgrims made that long and dangerous journey to a new country? I imagine the first thing they did upon finally landing on solid ground was to offer thanksgiving to God for getting them there. We keep scraping away all that makes this country good and wonder why everything is falling apart.

It seems to me that everyone is created equal - now where did I hear that before? If a congressman is Christian, he should be able to sign off any and all letters with a holiday greeting of his choice. The same goes for other religions and faiths. Our faith should be what makes us and if we have to supress it because we can't take the chance of ever offending anyone, we are not living up to and supporting what we believe in.

I also think it is silly for people of other faiths or no faith at all to take exception to someone celebrating their happiness in their own religion. If you don't agree, fine. There are no arguments and you can reject the greeting and just get on with your life. A government that dictates what you can and cannot express, is a government heading a country into moral bankruptcy.

By the way . . . MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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