Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How My Dog Spends her Busy Day . . .

Chick has only three desires in life . . . frequent snacks, lots of walks, and her cushion. In order to keep her more active, we tried only letting her in the house in the evening. If you were to see pictures of her day, they would look pretty much like the ones pictured here . . . only sleeping outside looking into the house.

She gets very excited about going on walks. She, however, has her own opinion about where and how long the walk should be. Unfortunately, she tends to get tired several blocks from home and then just stands there looking off into the distance. Tugging on her leash gets no reaction. My son has become known as the kid that 'carries' his dog rather than 'walking' the dog as he has often had to do just that to get home. One time, he was long an extraordinarily long time so I got into the car and went looking for the two of them. Three blocks away, I saw Chick standing in a puddle and Marc on the curb looking frustrated. Chick didn't want to go home right now and that was that. We hauled the dog into the back of the van and she was most perturbed that she arrived home and not somewhere more interesting.
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