Saturday, December 10, 2011

God has always has something to say about the lukewarm . . .

Not too many politicians that stand up for the moral avenue. Was happy to see this quote from Rick Santorum in the LifeNews article:

As the socially conservative voters in Iowa head to the polls next month to officially start the 2012 Republican presidential primary election, GOP candidate Rick Santorum says the party should "not surrender" on pro-life issues.

Santorum has been seen by some pro-life advocates as the standard bearer for pro-life and social conservative issues in the Republican election and the former Pennsylvania senator has launched a new fundraising effort tied to his recent call for not backing down on pressing pro-life themes.

"Beginning December 14, we’ll be kicking off our biggest moneybomb to date. With less than a month to go to the Iowa caucuses, the No Surrender Moneybomb will be dedicated to raising $250,000 so that I have the crucial resources to win the Iowa caucuses," Santorum said in a new email to his supporters.

Why No Surrender?

"Because a number of Republican leaders have suggested that the best way to win back the White House is to call a truce on talking about social issues. Issues like abortion, marriage, school prayer, and immigration. In my book that’s not a truce…it’s a surrender," Santorum continued. "But not on my watch. The day we stop fighting for the unborn child, or fighting to protect the sanctity of marriage, expel God from the public square, or decide we will no longer enforce the laws of our land, is the day we surrender all our founding fathers created."

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