Saturday, December 10, 2011

Freedom of Choice is becoming one-sided . . .

Another article from LifeNews (everyone should consider subscribing on-line!)

They’re Pro-Choice on Abortion, Unless You Won’t Perform One
I used to think we were a nation committed to freedom of conscience. Heck, I used to think we had a body of law effectively defending that freedom. After the events of the past few months, I’m not so sure. Consider:

- The California Department of Managed Health Care has insisted that Catholic health care systems in the state may not provide health coverage to their employees unless they include abortion. When the systems invoked federal conscience laws forbidding such coercion, state officials basically laughed and said those laws would never be enforced against them.

- Twelve nurses have sued a state-run medical center in New Jersey that tried to force them to assist in abortions against their moral and religious convictions. The hospital has replied that the nurses don’t even have a right to sue in court, because federal conscience laws on abortion don’t explicitly give them that right.

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