Friday, November 4, 2011

Unexpectedly soggy . . .

The weatherman did say there was a chance for rain but I've learned to wait and see if it actually does rain . . . and it decided to do so today. I don't mind it as it gives me an excuse to stay home and sew. Yes, another quilt is in the works. No, I didn't finish the last two I started last month.

It was also a good evening for a hot meal so I'm surprising my husband with homemade ravioli and light tomato sauce. My arm muscles got a workout rolling out the pasta dough. The whole process isn't difficult, just labor intensive to an extent. Anyway, the pasta is filled with spinach/cheese filling, the vegetables are ready for steaming, and the sauce is simmering. Just have to grate the Romano and enjoy the look on my husband's face when he comes in from work and smells dinner cooking.

No rain for tomorrow but a return of the precipitation is promised for Sunday. My daughter read that California has three seasons: Spring, Drought, and Fall. Not sure that is entirely true as proven by the delightful rainfall today.
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