Monday, November 28, 2011

Taking over?

I'm rather conservative in my beliefs and do not like how our Church has become overrun with women who seem to want jobs better suited for males. I've learned to live with it, however, and can overlook the matter . . . most of the time! Sunday was an exception!

Father had just finished the sermon and was preparing to bless the Advent wreath. He had just gotten the words for the blessing out and was about to make the Sign of the Cross when the reader for that day walked up to the microphone and said she had forgotten to give the intention of the Mass. Her lack of regard for manners and her inattention to the fact that Father was performing a spiritual task was shocking. Naturally, I can't and won't judge the climate of her soul but you have to wonder how much attention she was actually paying to the Mass to interrupt it like that.

Unfortunately, the woman is prone to this behavior and has a few other interesting moments in and around Mass to her 'credit'. My favorite (NOT!) was just before Mass, one Sunday. The sacristan and four altar boys were dressed and lined up for the beginning of Mass. With seconds to spare until Mass began, two girls come in and ask if they could serve Mass. The sacristan nicely said the assigned boys were already there and they couldn't hold up Mass waiting for them to get dressed. The woman yells at the sacristan that girls have just as much right to serve Mass as boys do and he should have two of his altar boys step down in favor of the girls. Our sacristan is a kindly man and rather than further fuel a confrontation, he said if they could get ready in time, they could join the group although our small church really can't deal with six altar servers. That wasn't good enough for the woman and the sacristan just ignored her further gripes while he lined the girls up behind the boys and headed down the aisle.

Once again, Christian Hospitality did not come into play through that woman's attitude. And, what did it teach the young ladies who only wanted to serve and not start a war . . . that a war is okay as long as it gives them first place?

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