Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just taking a moment, before I'm up to my elbows in turkey fixings, flour, and company, to wish everyone who celebrates this day, a most blessed and happy Thanksgiving.

Right now, I'm grabbing a light breakfast in preparation for the work ahead. Although I got a lot of things done, yesterday, I know there will be that last 30 minutes of panic before the food is on the table and family and company in place.

It looks like we had a bit of rain last night so I'm hoping the day remains brisk and cool. According to the weather report, our current temperatures of around 60 will jump 20 degrees by next week. Typical California weather - swimsuit weather in December!

My husband made a last-minute trip to the store yesterday but, naturally, my daughter comes in just before bed and asks, "Did you get the cream and sour cream I need to make my pie?" Nope! I hate shopping on Thanksgiving but will hold my criticism of this until we get the cream and sour cream!

I'm shocked, however, at some of the stores (other than grocery) are staying open on Thanksgivng with offers of pre-Black Friday deals. Why is the world so intent on disrupting the family dinner and, in the long run, the family unit? Nothing sacred in this secular world of ours.

No, we are not planning to venture out on Black Friday. There is no sale worth my time and effort to get trampled in the crowds who long to spend more money than they have and then complain the banks are stealing from us because of the credit card interest rates. I know I'm rather simplistic but if you don't charge it on your credit card, you won't have to pay hundreds more on unpaid balances.

Off to gear up for the day and get a few things bubbling and baking in the oven.

God Bless!

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