Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Christmas thoughts, a cold morning, finished projects. . .

It is nice to wake up to a colder morning for a change . . . cold being probably a different temperature given this is California! Our idea of cold is a lot difference than the reality of cold back East. Anyway, getting to use a blanket after a hot summer was very nice.

Busy morning as this is our weekly religion class with our pastor. He has been offering it to the parish for the last couple of months and everyone is thriving on it. My teenage son and I have yet to miss a single session and are learning so much about our Faith. It is actually a bit scary to realize what we don't know and are finally learning. It explains why there is so much turmoil and antics going on in our Church, today. People are not being taught. In fact, our pastor said he makes this is goal in his priesthood . . . to teach. For that, we are so very grateful. It is interesting, however, to note that the more liberal mind sets and questions come from the senior citizens in the class. I'm amazed because you know they were raised in more conservative households and I wonder what happened down the years to make them question so much.

Rain is still in the forecast for today. It is nice to look forward to but kind of sad to see our summer garden going brown and useless. I always pray to be here another season to see it happen all over, again.

Lots of sewing piling up as I plan Christmas gifts. I'm also knitting some gifts so am torn between hand sewing in the evening or picking up my knitting needles. I enjoy doing both and find myself conflicted! I also, finally, ordered Rosary cord and hope to get back into making Rosaries for the missions, again. When I stopped, several years ago, I had made and sent around 10,000 of them on my own. I'm a bit ashamed of myself to have let this prayerful craft go by the wayside. Anywa, I got out my beads, prepared the proper length of cord, and plan to get started, again. It will be a nice craft to put back into my life as Advent approaches.

Finishing off six lined bags for my husband's office. They exchange gifts with each other during the holidays so we thought a homemade bag with some goodies would be nice. Not knowing the religious bent of his fellow employees, I went with 'generic' angels and stars for the fabric. So far, they look pretty good. They have some Christmas colors but they are not 'screaming' Christmas so could be handy any day of the year.

Also, beginning to think about Christmas baking and who needs a plate of cookies for the holidays. I like to get started right after Thanksgiving and deliver them way before Christmas so people can enjoy them before the holiday rush of goodies comes upon everyone. I hope to post some more of my own recipes here as I dig them out for my baking.

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