Saturday, October 15, 2011

Inexpensive but priceless Christmas gifts

We are getting to the time of year when we all rush around preparing for the holidays and company. The children are excited even before they get a sugar charge from the multitude of candy canes that eventually find their way into our celebrations. An unexpected kindness would be just the thing to make us feel appreciated!

When I was in high school, the entire school (small school!), would exchange names and then be that person's secret friend for the month of December. It didn't require an outlay of cash, just a note here and there, a reminder that someone is praying for them, or an unexpected treat left where your chosen person could find it. At the end of the month, you revealed your secret status.

Busy mothers with families don't have time to play extended games like that but what if we each decided to expend a stamp and sent an anonymous note to someone you wouldn't ordinarily socialize with, just to share some of the sacredness of Christmas?

Imagine, going through your mail and finding a note offering you a heartfelt prayer from someone who thought of you that day?

It's a simplistic idea but one that might renew someone's waning energy during the coming season. And think of the graces, not to mention the good feelings you will have, knowing you extended a kindness.

Here is the idea; plan on splurging on five stamps and five note cards and send them to five different people. It could be someone you've talked to on rare occasions, met once at a park day, or know could use a lift. Don't sign the cards, of course, but let the person know that someone's thoughts and prayers are with them.

The catch? At the end of December, you remain the anonymous friend! You attempt to bring some joy into the lives of five different people and sacrifice the fun of telling them you did it. You extend a cup of kindness with absolutely no strings attached.

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