Friday, October 28, 2011

Finding treasures in unexpected places . . .

Anyone who peeks into my fabric cupboards will immediately note that I like the color blue! I don't think I have ever come home from the fabric warehouse without at least two lengths of some beautiful blue yardage. The reason I like the fabric warehouse for purchasing material is that they sell quality stuff and by well-known designers of quilting fabric. I have my favorites but don't get too picky if I find a good cotton in another brand.

Today, my husband and I went to Walmart and, as always, I stopped by the fabric area to just browse. Walmart doesn't seem to change the fabrics very often so I seldom purchase anything. Still, I enjoy looking and thinking. I was going through the bargain section today and saw a blue fabric with a starry pattern. The color was soft but rich and the design was pretty. I touched the fabric and it felt different from the usual stock of fabric they carry there. I checked the make along the edge and was surprised to find it was a David's Textile fabric - a favorite of mine. I don't know how or why it ended up at Walmart but I went home with three yards of it. Amazing how little treasures pop up when you least expect it.

Over the years, I have learned to find good, quality cotton fabric by 'feel'. The bargain area at the fabric warehouse is comprised of eight or ten rows with stacks of flatfold fabric from the floor to about five feet up. My way of finding fabric? I run my hands down the sides of the stacks and stick it in between layers. If I 'feel' a fabric that seems likely, I pull it out and look at it. Nine out of ten times, it is by a name designer. My husband laughs because I feel it first before even looking at the design or color. A friend didn't believe me but after spending three hours with me there, she was soon doing the same thing.

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