Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chick has a dream . . .

One day, we left both the door to the garage and the car door open. Chick seized the opportunity to hop into the car and investigate. She hit the jackpot and discovered an opened bag of potato chips which she grabbed as she tore past us and back outside into the yard. There was no getting that found treat away from her. To this day, she views the car as the 'chipmobile'. Whenever she gets into the garage, she sniffs around and around the car trying to find the door she accessed that great day when she found the potato chips.

Today, she was 'helping' me out in the garage and discovered a ziplock bag of cheese crackers. Naturally, without a second thought, she got hold of it and race out to her patch of grass where she likes to enjoy her treats. She took a second sniff of the contents, picked up the bag, and disappeared. A few minutes later, she showed up at the screen door, no cracker and a very dirty nose - she had buried the crackers. This is what she does when she doesn't like something. I suggested to my husband that he might want to reconsider that brand from now on!
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