Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Is Fall in the air?

Seems to  me that even with 80-plus temperatures, there is a slight difference in the air like we might have a Fall and Winter in the near future. Naturally, in California the seasons tend to blend into each other but we relish a brisk morning, a rainy afternoon, or cool evening quite happily. Around the end of October, my contant fret will be, "Please, please don't let it be a hot day on Thanksgiving!" We've had a few where the scent of roasting turkey didn't quite mesh with a 90-degree day. But, hey, if I'm living and breathing, I'll be thankful, nevertheless!

The real clue that Fall is technically on it's way is apple season which started the beginning of September. Nope, not down here in the flatlands but up in the foothills and mountains about 30 minutes or so from here. We can get pretty good apples in the grocery store most of the year but the fresh one picked from the tree are a whole other story.

We have a favorite apple orchard we visit. The apples are a bit expensive but worth it for taste. It is run by a darling 80-plus couple and their faithful and equally elderly dog, Daisy. Daisy greets everyone that arrives. The gentleman owner requires you taste every apple available that day before allowing you to purchase. He has a keen sense of humor and visiting with him is the best part of apple season. He wasn't doing to well with his health, last year, so we are planning our first trip for apples with a bit of worry about how is he doing and how the past few months have treated him. Even with weak legs and a few hospital visits here and there, he can be seen tearing around in his farm truck with Daisy in the passenger seat. He stopped his truck to talk to us once but Daisy would only incline her canine head royally towards us before looking straight ahead, again. After all, she and her master were working.

About 20 years ago, the owner of this orchard moved to the area to retire and ended up back in business when he became fascinated with the varieties of apples. He has some we have never heard of before. My apple pie baking during this season is above average as each pie can have three or four varieties of unique apples in it.

Oh, a clue for making your own apple pie. Soak your peeled, sliced apples in lemon and lime juice before going on with your usual methods of pie making. The lime juice offers a certain something that will have people wondering how come your pie tastes so wonderful.

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