Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wistful time of the day . . .

Dinner is cooked, eaten, and washing up is done. It is kind of a wistful time of day when you review what got done and what still awaits your attention. Mornings makes all things possible. Evenings reflect shortcomings. I guess God leaves enough undone so we know we have a good chance of waking up tomorrow!

Since we now have a bit of an expense to pay off with the air conditioning, I'm being frugal and careful about the meals. I found three, medium boneless country pork ribs in the freezer. When they were almost defrosted, I split them down the length to form thin chops. I marinated them in red wine, onion, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and Dijon mustard. I fried them in a bit of olive oil and butter.

The potatoes got peeled, diced, and boiled until almost done. I salted the boiling water and added a whole, finely diced onion to the water. After I drained the potato/onions, I sauteed them in some olive oil until gentlely browned. My son, who doesn't like potatoes, had three helpings of everything this evening. I'm glad I had already put away a plate of food for my husband's work lunch or it might have disappeared, too!

My daughter asked if I would make a quilt for a friend. The friend likes horses . . . I've never made a horse quilt but it just so happens that I have a couple of yards of a horse print! I got the top of the quilt pieced today but need to invade the fabric store for backing fabric. My evening will be spent catching up on two other quilts so I don't feel quite so bad beginning another project with work still left undone.

The new air conditioning got into place just in time as the weather has soared up into the 103-plus degrees and will remain so until the beginning of next week. We set the temperature at 80 degrees and enjoy the fact that we are no longer glowing quite so much in the heat of the day.

Started digging out and organizing Christmas cookie recipes. Everyone has a favorite that I have to make and I always include a couple of new ones to the list.

Remember in your prayers all the people who are in the path of the upcoming hurricane on the East Coast. It seems to be increasing in strength so I hope people aren't trying to brave the storm and got out while they could.

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