Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Unseen contentment?

I have three, large cupboards in my kitchen area that I use to store my fabric and sewing supplies. We were blessed to get a large area of space that allows for the dining table as well as room for my sewing table and the mentioned cupboards. It was especially convenient when the children were little as I could keep an eye on their school work and food cooking on the stove while I worked on my sewing projects.

Since the cupboards are so big and heavy, anything that falls behind them usually stays for a long while. Yesterday, I felt motivated to move them all out away from the wall and scrub, rinse, and wax the floors there. It was a struggle as I had to kind of rock them from side to side to gradually move them out of me and my mop's way. The whole project took a couple of hours as I had to wait for each area to dry before moving things back into place.

By the time my older daughter faced the day, she remarked on the now shiny floor and when I mentioned I had even done under the cupboards, she said, "Oh, did you use those easy-mover discs Dad had when he moved the cupboard to paint the kitchen?" I flexed my sore muscles and said, "No . . ." What easy-mover discs?"

Anyway, it is amazing how having a clean and shiny floor under a cupboard and unseen can make you feel so good. No one can tell, one way or the other, the state of the floor under them but every time I come into the room, I know. No one has to know but the fact that I know and care is an excellent feeling. Kind of like the state of one's soul. No one knows what's going on in another person's soul but if you are in the Grace of God, all is right with the world whether anyone else knows or not.

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