Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Still pursuing higher education for my teen . . .

My son spent the afternoon going through that link I posted earlier for free, on-line college classes. He was immediately contacted by one college and things were going along well . . . then the question of homeschooling arrived. Do you have a diploma from an accredited high school? Uh, no, we homeschooled. Could we get documentation from the local public school that high school basics have been met? Uh, no, we homeschooled.

The advisor spent 30 minutes on the phone with my very articulate son who doesn't use the word like every other word as sentence filler. Not a cool or awesome was forthcoming. Yet, a piece of paper deprives them of a more than adequate student. There are lots more schools to check out with the free on-line courses but it was very disappointing for my son. So many parents have to talk their children into getting a job or going to college. Here is one eager teen and he has to conform with the pack to be accepted.

Hey, not an entirely bad day as this child's darling mother has baked him a spice cake and is about to frost it with fluffy lemon icing.

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